Thursday, January 29, 2009

Character Growth - Rachael Brown

Rachael Brown was an uptight and conservative girl. She was the daughter of the preacher in town, who was the man who basically ran the town. Rachael had mixed feeling from the very beginning, she was in love with Cates, the one on trial for teaching science in the school system. Rachael could be considered to be an archetypal character of an innocent embarking on a journey. Through this innocent love of Cates and the his trial she gained enough courage to repel against her father. The town trial made her realize that she did have the right to think and act, and by the end of it all she stepped out against her father and left with her love, the "devil" science teacher. She was put in her uncomfortable situations with the fued against her father and her love, and she was even put on trial to testify against Cates. Yes, she was more of an innocent embarking on o journey with more of a mental journey than anything, but she still falls under this archetypal character.

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